Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990)

Episode 9 January 11, 2024 01:30:12
Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990)
The Return Slot ... OF HORROR!
Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990)

Jan 11 2024 | 01:30:12


Show Notes

The Return Slot is in the 'Sassy Sequels' section of the video store this week, exploring satirical, sassy sequels that broke the mold of their predecessors to become a classic in their own right. Join us for a drink as we discuss Joe Dante's anarchistic, mete-comedy-parody, slapstick sequel, GREMLINS 2: THE NEW BATCH. Listen anywhere you get podcasts and follow us on Instagram @thereturnslot_ofhorrorpod.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:03] Speaker A: Welcome, listener, to the return slot. [00:00:09] Speaker B: And it's mouth. [00:00:14] Speaker C: That sound like a spike or whatever. [00:00:17] Speaker A: Yeah, I was hoping you would do something like that. Podcast recorded in the basement of our video store after hours, when the doors are locked, the vhs are rewound, and the moon is glowing pale blue on a snowy winter night, we like to hang out in the basement, light a Birchwood scented candle, crack open a drink, and discuss our beloved genre, horror. Every episode, we invite you to join us for a frosty libation as we discuss a film selected from one of our painstakingly curated subsections to the video store. That's right, for the uninitiated, or anyone unlucky enough to have grown up without an independent video store. Mickey, can you elaborate on this for me? [00:00:58] Speaker C: Well, back in the day, before there was streaming, and even before blockbuster or the clamp center for that matter, there were independent video stores. And to appease the appetites of movie nerds like myself, Michelangelo, and, I'd argue, gizmo, they would fill the shelves with the videos of on demand videos or video nasties. These mom and pop shops were responsible for taking the horror genre from limited theater runs and late night drive ins to every small town in America. But what really made these video stores special were the people working in the store, curating personalized sections based on their interests and the interests of their patrons. Recommendations that were based on conversations, man, not algorithms. So here at the return slot, we keep that spirit alive and strong. We hope you enjoy perusing our sections and joining in our conversations. [00:01:50] Speaker A: Now I am going to warn the listener. This is a hangout drink and talk with Friends podcast about movies. Podcast is not a film review or critical analysis podcast, although it is a critical analysis of ourselves. How do we see ourselves reflected in these stories, and how can we better understand ourselves and each other through these films? So if you're not looking for that. [00:02:20] Speaker B: You'Re in the wrong place. [00:02:23] Speaker A: This week, we find ourselves in the sassy sequel section. Two straight guys in a basement just talking about movies. No one's around. No special guests this evening. [00:02:36] Speaker B: No two of us. There's going to be a lot of sass. There's going to be. [00:02:52] Speaker A: Before we get to the film tonight, what are we drinking this evening? [00:02:59] Speaker C: So, for me, I'm doing an Oberon eclipse. [00:03:03] Speaker B: It's a citrus wheat from bells. [00:03:05] Speaker C: People probably know the Oberon, but this is an Oberon eclipse. I guess what makes it an eclipse is that it feels like it's a little bit stronger than a regular Oberon. It's a 6.3% and it feels a little like fuller, a little more dark than the crispy citrus of a traditional Oberon. [00:03:26] Speaker B: Got a little winter ale. [00:03:29] Speaker A: A vacation going on with it? [00:03:31] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:03:32] Speaker C: Yes, I would say so. [00:03:33] Speaker B: Yeah. The winter ale yourself. [00:03:40] Speaker A: Not including my austrian lager that I have to have before I have my drink because that doesn't count. Sure. [00:03:52] Speaker C: That's just for your voice. [00:03:54] Speaker A: That's just for the voice. It's the warm up. It's the loosen you up, the british people call it going on stage with a friend, you have a drink, you have a drink at the pub, you loosen up. [00:04:05] Speaker B: Anyways, this is. [00:04:07] Speaker A: You don't want to have before you go on stage. [00:04:10] Speaker B: This is a still knocked from the dollar brewing. [00:04:19] Speaker A: It is a twelve percenter. [00:04:25] Speaker B: Wow. [00:04:25] Speaker A: Nice and slow. It is a very rich and delicious ale that people, they collect throughout the. [00:04:37] Speaker B: Years and condition them and open them. [00:04:40] Speaker A: Up and see how they've changed. They're really delightful. [00:04:42] Speaker B: It's drinking a belgian triple, but it's. [00:04:48] Speaker A: Like lighter golden in color. It's like the fruitcake and spices and it's got a little snowman on there. [00:05:00] Speaker B: And it kind of tastes like you're drinking like a beer made with a snowball. Yeah. [00:05:09] Speaker C: I mean, I love it. [00:05:10] Speaker B: Tis the season and what better beer to pair, you know, a complicated, strong, dense, dense beer to pair with are. [00:05:23] Speaker A: Very, like. [00:05:29] Speaker B: I'll get to it. [00:05:30] Speaker A: But like, I think this, you know, you want it. You want a dense beer to pair with like something like this where there's. [00:05:35] Speaker B: Like so much going on. So much going on in our movie tonight. [00:05:41] Speaker A: So. [00:05:43] Speaker B: By the way, I do have to point out this is going to slip. [00:05:46] Speaker A: Mickey is wearing what he had on for our Christmas episode. Goes along. It's an ugly sweater, but it's like an ugly sweater. [00:05:58] Speaker B: Hoodie, sweatshirt. Yeah. [00:06:02] Speaker C: It actually feels really nice. It's a nice fit, kind of light. [00:06:04] Speaker A: It looks good on you. It looks good. I think it's just your body so fucking rocking that it always looks like you're wearing under armour. You look like the rock in a fast and the furious movie. [00:06:21] Speaker C: I've been drinking all those Christmas ales and they pack a little more punch, so it's been getting me jacked. [00:06:27] Speaker A: This is bulk and season, baby. You're fucking getting those bales pumped. [00:06:32] Speaker B: You know what I mean? The bells, of course, are your bites. [00:06:37] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:06:40] Speaker C: Do you want to just tell the listener what it is? I mean, they heard it last. [00:06:44] Speaker A: Hold on, we'll get to that. Let me do my. I spent a lot of time on this intro, and then we'll talk more about how great you look in this. [00:06:53] Speaker C: We definitely want to get this intro out before you've had too many sips of that beer. [00:06:58] Speaker A: Okay? We might be too late. It's like a vocal warm up. [00:07:05] Speaker B: Okay, tonight's film. Ask me, what film are we talking about tonight? Mickey, what film are we talking about tonight? [00:07:18] Speaker A: What are we doing? What are we doing here? [00:07:20] Speaker C: What film we talking about? [00:07:23] Speaker B: What happens when a small budget film. [00:07:26] Speaker A: Comes out of nowhere and becomes a huge success and the studio wants to make sequel? The director says, no way. [00:07:31] Speaker B: That was way too hard. [00:07:32] Speaker A: Plus, I ended the story, so all you want to do is make money. So the studio tries for five years to make their own sequel. But then come back to the original director. The director reluctantly says yes, but as long as they can do whatever the hell they want and they have to give them more money. You get kind of by the number sequel plot wise. But then it goes off the rails in the best way possible. Tonight we are talking about Joe Dante's masterfully ludicrous, self referential, anarchistic, satirical, metacomedy parody, slapstick sequel, gremlins to the bash. [00:08:04] Speaker B: Did I fit enough words into that? [00:08:08] Speaker C: We can go home now. [00:08:09] Speaker A: Every listener, you can turn us off. [00:08:12] Speaker C: That encapsulates this film to a t. Yes. [00:08:16] Speaker A: And Mickey is wearing a gremlins ugly sweater. You got gizmo on there. You got little. It's really fantastic. And you got little popcorn on your left tush. [00:08:30] Speaker B: Yeah, a little left tush. [00:08:32] Speaker C: Popcorn bucket on a gremlin's head. [00:08:34] Speaker B: I'll put a picture. Are you wearing so people can see it? [00:08:38] Speaker A: Are those new eyeglasses? [00:08:40] Speaker B: These are new eyeglasses, yes. Dude, you're looking good. [00:08:43] Speaker A: You're looking sharp. [00:08:43] Speaker B: I know. [00:08:44] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. Just you and I down in the basement. I'm having a strong beer. [00:08:48] Speaker C: New me. [00:08:49] Speaker B: This is Mickey 4.0 right here, buddy. Now, I often confuse Glenn's two to be a Christmas film. [00:09:02] Speaker A: This isn't a Christmas episode. But we're in the wintertime still. And I'm just remembering the first film is definitely a Christmas film. Definitely a Christmas. Happens on Christmas Eve. Lots know. I just forget that. [00:09:16] Speaker C: This dad with Santa. Yeah. [00:09:21] Speaker A: I talked about that. I think one of our staff meeting episodes. If you go back and listen to one of our holiday staff meeting episodes. Oh, my gosh. Her monologue and then the callback grim. [00:09:38] Speaker B: Don't mention Lincoln. [00:09:40] Speaker A: I really want to hear that story. What happened? It has to do with her mom. [00:09:45] Speaker B: I guess. Right. Got to be guy who looked just like Lincoln. [00:09:50] Speaker C: Abraham Lincoln. [00:09:52] Speaker A: Honey, we don't have time for to. I'm not going to have a lot of criticisms about the film because we don't really do that. We're all about sharing what we like and what we love. [00:10:05] Speaker B: But I do say, like, what a. [00:10:09] Speaker A: Wonderful actor that gets lost in the zaniness that ensues in this film. She is so. [00:10:18] Speaker C: Agreed. [00:10:19] Speaker A: Good. [00:10:20] Speaker B: She's so good. And she's, like, underutilized, I feel like, in this, you know? Yeah. [00:10:26] Speaker A: Which is a shame. But what's there, it shines. [00:10:29] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:10:30] Speaker C: And when you're stuffing this much into. [00:10:33] Speaker B: A film, the screen time, she's a lot. [00:10:39] Speaker C: I mean, she's competing with 30 to. [00:10:42] Speaker B: Maybe 60 different gremlins. Yeah. [00:10:47] Speaker A: And like a gag. [00:10:49] Speaker B: Gag a minute. Gag a minute. Why gremlins, too? The new batch. [00:10:58] Speaker C: Why are we, again, a pick? [00:11:00] Speaker A: This is me. [00:11:01] Speaker B: It was your pick. Or was it your pick? I think we. [00:11:05] Speaker C: Maybe it was a mutual pick, because I feel like definitely. [00:11:08] Speaker A: Okay, so you explained to me why. [00:11:13] Speaker B: Or should I go? [00:11:14] Speaker A: You know what? I think you have a more interesting reason. [00:11:17] Speaker B: No, you go ahead. [00:11:19] Speaker A: So why Gremlin two? Basically what happened is I was watching a different film, a different horror film. [00:11:27] Speaker B: One night, and I immediately called up. [00:11:31] Speaker A: Mickey, and it's going to be the second film we talk about in this series of sassy sequels. [00:11:37] Speaker B: Yes. [00:11:37] Speaker A: And it was that film that made me go, we need to do a. [00:11:41] Speaker B: Whole series of sequels that are just. [00:11:46] Speaker A: Like, off the charts crazy bananas. [00:11:55] Speaker C: Taking shots, diverging from an easy path. [00:12:00] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:12:04] Speaker A: It's the creators going, okay, number crunchers, studio people, like, you want a sequel? Here's a fucking sequel. You know what I mean? [00:12:14] Speaker B: It's all the excess. [00:12:18] Speaker A: This is 1990, but it was shot in 89, but all the x of. [00:12:23] Speaker B: The 80s is there. [00:12:27] Speaker A: So when I was thinking of films. [00:12:29] Speaker B: That would pair with that, obviously Grimms two came to mind, and Gremlins two. [00:12:35] Speaker A: Is a movie that I really haven't revisited. And I was blown away by how good this is. It was too much. If you're a constant listener of the. [00:12:45] Speaker B: Podcast, you'll know that I was a bit of a scared cat when I was a child, and this movie was very scary. [00:12:54] Speaker A: Gizmo pulled me in, but this movie in particular has some pretty terrifying little segments in it, but it really does do a good job of, like, I'm. [00:13:06] Speaker B: Going to have some horrifying and then. [00:13:08] Speaker A: Immediately follow it up with a joke. Like the Internet trolls that are in. [00:13:15] Speaker B: The security, if they're talking about all. [00:13:17] Speaker A: The bullshit rules for the. It's like it's always midnight somewhere, and then the Gremlin pops out and fucking. That's scary. It's terrifying and hilarious. But then it dehydrans by the Gremlin fucking clocking him in the face. You know what I mean? At first he's like, but it bites you in the neck. And it's like, oh, okay. There's not blood everywhere. He's okay. [00:13:40] Speaker B: And then he just punches them. [00:13:44] Speaker C: It's funny. It's a good bit. [00:13:46] Speaker A: It's hilarious. It's too much. It's like, we can't talk about all. [00:13:51] Speaker B: The gags too much. Yeah. [00:13:55] Speaker A: Everything is that. [00:14:00] Speaker B: I don't remember a time of seeing. [00:14:02] Speaker A: This for the first time. And again, it kind of rolls up into, like, a holiday film for me, for some reason. [00:14:09] Speaker B: I think it's because John Glover, who. [00:14:14] Speaker A: Plays clamp, was in my little kid brain conflates those two. But I'll say he is so likable. [00:14:28] Speaker C: So likable bad guy. A likable. [00:14:31] Speaker A: He's likable in everything. He just brings this youthful enthusiasm. [00:14:37] Speaker B: A likable schmuck. Yeah. [00:14:40] Speaker A: People often compare, and it's there. His character is really based off of Turner Donald Trump, but he brings a lot of, like, George W. Bush to know. Kind of like, kind of silly. Kind of like a clown. Very likable. I wouldn't say George W. Bush was likable when he was in office, but there's an. [00:15:08] Speaker C: Innocence to him that you're. [00:15:10] Speaker A: Like, oh, you know, he's good at. [00:15:15] Speaker B: Memos. [00:15:17] Speaker C: Yeah, there's definitely, like, a side of that. This was also a different era Trump. [00:15:22] Speaker B: Right. [00:15:22] Speaker C: So it's like, looking at it now, thinking that's what Trump was based on feels a little. [00:15:27] Speaker B: Yeah. But even to the book where that says his, it's. [00:15:31] Speaker C: It's like fashion to look just like. [00:15:33] Speaker B: The art of the deal. [00:15:34] Speaker A: Oh, I got a real quick, before. [00:15:37] Speaker B: We get to why for you in your history. So that book, inflation today would be 48, 44. Plus you got to put New York. [00:15:53] Speaker A: City tax on there. [00:15:54] Speaker B: So a, that book, which is not that big, would cost 52, 72, 70. [00:16:02] Speaker A: For a nonfiction book that looks like it's. I read a lot of books, and I got to tell you, that looked like it was around 300. I don't think you're busting 400 pages on that. [00:16:14] Speaker B: Okay. [00:16:16] Speaker A: That is nuts. [00:16:19] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:16:20] Speaker A: I'm not going to pay that much. [00:16:21] Speaker B: For a book that's not a collectible. [00:16:24] Speaker A: Did you see the clamp center this. [00:16:26] Speaker C: Guy is a modern marvel. He is the Elon musk of his time. Okay. [00:16:35] Speaker A: I think that's a really mean thing to say about clamp, that he's an Elon musk. [00:16:39] Speaker C: Elon Musk. [00:16:40] Speaker B: Yeah. That is. [00:16:40] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:16:42] Speaker A: Clamp is, like, charming and well spoken and childlike. I would not put Elon Musk in any of those categories. [00:16:56] Speaker C: Did you think that clamp's journey in the story was the one character that had the largest arc? [00:17:07] Speaker A: He really had a fantastic. He had a fantastic arc. And Billy's boss. [00:17:16] Speaker C: Yep. Is it Marla? [00:17:17] Speaker B: Marla. Bloodstone. Bloodstone. [00:17:22] Speaker A: Have a land. [00:17:23] Speaker B: Morris Havaland. [00:17:25] Speaker C: Morris. [00:17:25] Speaker A: Yes. [00:17:26] Speaker C: Havaland Morris is. Did you ever see when you were younger, who's that girl? [00:17:33] Speaker B: No, I had a sister, so, I. [00:17:35] Speaker C: Mean, actually, you know what? [00:17:37] Speaker B: How old was yours? [00:17:39] Speaker A: My sister was, like, less than a year. [00:17:45] Speaker C: Oh, then, dad, that makes sense. Well, my sister was like, she's five years older than I am. And who's that girl? Was the Madonna movie with Griffin Dunn where he's going to Marry Morris? [00:17:57] Speaker B: Yes. [00:17:57] Speaker C: But he gets smitten and falls in. [00:18:00] Speaker B: Love with Madonna Havillin. [00:18:02] Speaker C: She is incredible in that film, and she's doing her thing in this film, which I like. I think she's great in this film. [00:18:10] Speaker B: And. Yes. [00:18:11] Speaker C: Agreed. [00:18:12] Speaker B: Oh, she's fantastic. [00:18:14] Speaker A: Beautiful. Good. [00:18:15] Speaker C: I'm glad you think so. [00:18:16] Speaker A: Hilarious. [00:18:17] Speaker B: She's like, love her, love her. [00:18:21] Speaker A: She's doing like. I love her little cigarette case that has a lighter on it. [00:18:27] Speaker B: Takes into the. [00:18:28] Speaker A: They disembowel the fish at your table. [00:18:32] Speaker C: The fish at your table. Yeah. [00:18:37] Speaker A: I kind of went walking there a little bit. [00:18:38] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:18:39] Speaker C: Well, she is. A lot of people call her the female. [00:18:43] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:18:43] Speaker A: A lot of people don't know this, that this performance is really based off of Christopher Walken's character from Dogs of War. [00:18:51] Speaker C: Okay, that makes sense now. That makes total sense. [00:18:55] Speaker A: Disemboweling of the fish at the. Know, the chocolate horn that she has to eat dessert because she's so horny for Billy. Oh, my God. [00:19:04] Speaker C: She wants to fuck Billy so bad. [00:19:06] Speaker A: Billy so bad. [00:19:09] Speaker C: How badly would you like. [00:19:14] Speaker A: You're working a job. Your boss is like a fucking super hot Marley lady. [00:19:20] Speaker C: She wants to take me out. She wants a redhead. [00:19:27] Speaker A: She has two serious things. [00:19:29] Speaker C: You know, I'm a sucker for redheads. [00:19:30] Speaker A: Mickey loves. [00:19:32] Speaker B: My wife is a redhead. [00:19:33] Speaker C: And number two, when I was, like, a younger man. I know it's disgusting, but seeing somebody. [00:19:40] Speaker B: Smoke sometimes it just makes a woman super sexy. [00:19:45] Speaker A: We're from that generation. [00:19:47] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:19:47] Speaker C: It's like something. [00:19:48] Speaker A: You're sexy. [00:19:49] Speaker B: You're cool, girl. [00:19:50] Speaker C: She's like, yeah, she's a little edgy because she smokes. [00:19:53] Speaker B: I like it. Yeah. [00:19:55] Speaker A: Assuming you're, like, young and attractive. Right. It's the juxtaposition of, like, you're doing something so unhealthy and disgusting, but you're so attractive and young, beautiful. When you just watch all beautiful people. [00:20:11] Speaker C: Do bad things is sexy. [00:20:14] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. It's like if all you do watch. [00:20:17] Speaker A: Like, Dick Miller and Harry Dean Stanton, like, smoking cigarettes, it's like. [00:20:25] Speaker C: A very serious actor. [00:20:26] Speaker A: And you're like, that's what actors do. [00:20:28] Speaker C: Now, that female gremlin smoking a cigarette, that's a different story. [00:20:32] Speaker A: Oh, that is super. That's the sexy. If Harry Dean Stanton was to dress up in drag. That's Greta. [00:20:44] Speaker B: Greta, I believe, is her name. [00:20:46] Speaker C: Yeah, Greta is the. [00:20:47] Speaker B: Is the Gremlin's name. [00:20:49] Speaker A: So, Mickey, you're like, why? This is the first time in the return slot history that we both have a why? But why, Griblin? [00:21:02] Speaker C: This is why I chose the movie. [00:21:04] Speaker B: You. [00:21:09] Speaker C: Take a little bit of. I got to contextualize this for people, for listeners sitting at home. You have to understand a little bit of my childhood. [00:21:15] Speaker B: Okay. [00:21:16] Speaker C: I have to paint a picture of my childhood for you. Between 1989 and 1993, my brother worked on and off as the projectionist at. [00:21:25] Speaker B: Our local movie theater. Okay, Sunday. Hold on. Mickey. [00:21:34] Speaker A: Adopted from Honduras into a Texas family. So we're talking about small town in Texas. [00:21:40] Speaker C: You're a small town, east Texas. [00:21:42] Speaker B: Yep. And brothers, little context. Yeah. [00:21:46] Speaker C: And this older brother that worked at the movie theater was. He was my hero. [00:21:49] Speaker B: This is the cult brother hero. True. Yes. This is the cult brother. [00:21:54] Speaker A: So listen to previous episodes for context. For the cult. Yeah, listen to previous Christopher Lee episodes. [00:22:04] Speaker C: So he ran the projection, so he would sometimes help us out get deals for movies. So from that period of time, it. [00:22:10] Speaker B: Was like a four year stint where. [00:22:11] Speaker C: My family and I, we went and saw pretty much everything at the theater. And I remember it so fondly. And I've mentioned this in past episodes about Ghostbusters, too, because that was around 19, I think, 89, and then 1990. I remember seeing this at a theater, and I hadn't remembered it fully until. [00:22:31] Speaker B: The very opening moment with the Looney. [00:22:34] Speaker C: Tunes in this film. And it brought back such a wave of nostalgia and a memory of sitting in a theater and looking up at my mom and reaching into her purse. [00:22:41] Speaker B: To grab popcorn, because we would pop our own popcorn. [00:22:45] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. You'd had all kinds of stuff in. [00:22:48] Speaker C: That big purse, it was best. [00:22:53] Speaker A: And for the listener, that's a bit younger, that was a normal thing for Looney Tunes cartoons to play before the teacher. There was like a whole ramp up. [00:23:07] Speaker C: Instantly I was like, oh my God, this was like a big film for me when I was a kid. It's not one that I probably rewatched. [00:23:14] Speaker B: In 25 or more years, but when. [00:23:16] Speaker C: I was a kid, I remember coming. [00:23:18] Speaker B: Home Sunday after church. [00:23:20] Speaker C: Mom makes you get dressed up in your Sunday's best. [00:23:22] Speaker A: You go to church, we go to. [00:23:23] Speaker C: Los dose for mexican food or after lunch, and we get home and she's like, everybody go change immediately, we're going to the movie. [00:23:29] Speaker B: And she would be popping popcorn. [00:23:30] Speaker C: I threw on my casual clothes, probably a batman t shirt and some silly jean shorts. It took me so back watching this because I remember that it was like the summer of 1990. This came out the summer of 1990, sitting there in a movie theater watching this with my entire family. And then afterward, whenever it came, either HBO or maybe rentals, just wearing it out for a full summer, or maybe it was a full year. I don't know however long it took for them to make it to a VHS. But I wore this thing out over that short period of time and then. [00:24:05] Speaker B: I don't think I ever went back to it. [00:24:07] Speaker C: And it doesn't get brought up a lot. It's not on people top 100 lists. It's not something that comes top of mind, of awareness. But just watching it again, I don't. [00:24:15] Speaker B: Know that I can give this any kind of. [00:24:20] Speaker C: What I say about this film is coming from a place of truly a wash of nostalgia. When I watched it just now, earlier, every moment, I was like, oh my God, I totally remember that. That was fantastic. I remember my brother had gremlins, two for the Nintendo. I just remember it being like a big summer movie that for some reason my mom thought was a great family pick. Because these small towns in America, this small east Texas town had four theaters. [00:24:54] Speaker B: That's it. It was a four screen cinema. [00:24:57] Speaker C: So things only like the most popular, the things they thought would make the most money, wound up at theater. And if they were good, they stayed forever. If they were bad, they were gone and replaced with a Disney film pretty soon. [00:25:09] Speaker A: So it's like. [00:25:12] Speaker C: I didn't have a lot of options, but it also made all those movies that I did see. [00:25:17] Speaker B: That much more special because I didn't have a lot of options. [00:25:20] Speaker C: This, for me, was like taking a vacation at that age. [00:25:23] Speaker B: I was probably. [00:25:27] Speaker C: I was like eight or nine years old. [00:25:28] Speaker B: Seeing this movie and having no context. [00:25:31] Speaker C: Of Gremlins one, which is hilarious, right? Because it's such a parody of itself. [00:25:36] Speaker A: But it's still. [00:25:37] Speaker B: It's. [00:25:37] Speaker C: But we're still loving it. It's still loving it. [00:25:39] Speaker A: And then watching Gremlins one, and when. [00:25:41] Speaker C: I got to the point where I. [00:25:42] Speaker B: Watched Gremlins one, I was like, wow. [00:25:45] Speaker C: This is not the movie I was expecting. There are so many fewer gremlins, and there is not any, like, where are all the goofy ones? Where are all the fun ones? But honestly, I cherish Gremlins one, and I love it a lot. [00:26:00] Speaker B: And from simply introducing a Gremlins film. [00:26:05] Speaker C: To somebody, I'm probably going to do one. [00:26:08] Speaker B: But this film means a lot to. [00:26:11] Speaker C: Me, and I'm rediscovering that. It means a lot to me as we do this. [00:26:15] Speaker A: So I got to know. So when they do the gag where the Gremlins have gotten into the booth, the projection booth, and they fuck with the film, do you remember having what. [00:26:33] Speaker B: That experience was like? [00:26:36] Speaker A: Did you really think the film was getting screwed up? [00:26:38] Speaker B: Like, what happened? [00:26:40] Speaker C: I don't remember, and I don't want to fabricate anything for this, but I know who I was at that age, and I know that it was impactful. I know I was sitting there like, I know for me, because I was really blossoming at that age. [00:26:54] Speaker B: And really, I think that it was. [00:26:56] Speaker C: A watershed moment for me with that. [00:26:58] Speaker B: String of films, because I talk a. [00:27:00] Speaker C: Lot about those films in those couple. [00:27:02] Speaker B: Of years, just really making me want to, number one, get into movies, and. [00:27:06] Speaker C: Number two, move to New York City. It was like, those are the two things I took away from that, like, three or four year stint of watching movies. I was like, I'm going to eventually, somehow work in the movies, and I'm eventually going to live in New York City. [00:27:17] Speaker B: It's done. [00:27:19] Speaker C: And you did it. [00:27:22] Speaker B: I did it, yeah. [00:27:26] Speaker A: So cut all of that. [00:27:27] Speaker B: I want you to fabricate what happened sitting there. [00:27:32] Speaker C: And when the film thing, I went, whoa, mom. I got scared and nervous. I grabbed her arm and she said, it's fine, I think. And she looked back at Jeff in the projection booth, and he gave him. [00:27:41] Speaker B: A thumbs up, and I was like, what? [00:27:43] Speaker C: And then I realized, you can break the fourth wall. That's when I discovered you could break the fourth wall. [00:27:53] Speaker A: This, like, seriously, though, this is the. [00:27:56] Speaker B: First exposure I had to breaking the fourth wall. [00:28:01] Speaker A: Parody, satirical humor, you know what I mean? And it all kind of, like, made. [00:28:07] Speaker B: Sense to me at that time. [00:28:10] Speaker C: Yeah, no, it did. I remember really liking this film. And at eight or nine, it wasn't. I mean, yes, part of the appeal was just all the cool characters of Gremlins and all the neat creatures. [00:28:22] Speaker B: But it also was just kind of. [00:28:23] Speaker C: In line with where my sense of humor was going to go in life and kind of my sensibility. I think that this is a film that some people just not going to get. And that's okay. [00:28:33] Speaker B: Right. [00:28:33] Speaker C: It's like we all have different. There are films that people love that I'm like, I don't really get it, but this is one that certain people will get really well and I think will really just love. [00:28:48] Speaker A: A lot of critics didn't get it when it came out. [00:28:51] Speaker B: No. [00:28:51] Speaker A: Audiences did not appreciate it. This wasn't the gigantic financial success that. [00:28:58] Speaker B: They were hoping for. And you also get like the first film. [00:29:03] Speaker A: It's like Spielberg presents Steven Spielberg, Amlin Entertainment. Steven Spielberg presents. [00:29:09] Speaker C: And it oozes. Oozes the suburban town. The first one. Yeah, the first one. It bleeds amblin of what they were good at. [00:29:26] Speaker B: Right? [00:29:26] Speaker C: Like suburban town. Weird thing happens. Our heroes are small town middle America folk, right? This one does not do that. [00:29:35] Speaker B: And people that love that sensibility, this isn't going for that. [00:29:39] Speaker C: It's what the joke at the end when he looks at that thing goes, this is what they always wanted. [00:29:44] Speaker A: This is what we always needed. [00:29:45] Speaker C: The small town thing. I was like, that's hilarious joke. [00:29:48] Speaker B: Yeah, they know. [00:29:51] Speaker A: Totally lost on people. Totally lost. [00:29:55] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:30:00] Speaker A: How about those? [00:30:02] Speaker B: I do miss. [00:30:06] Speaker A: With technology comes advantages and disadvantages. And this movie just opens with this amazing helicopter shot that you could not. [00:30:18] Speaker B: Get unless you money of New York City. You know what I mean? [00:30:22] Speaker A: You got the Twin Towers which Mickey and I. Mickey and I were living. [00:30:27] Speaker B: In New York together when those fucking things came. [00:30:34] Speaker A: We were. [00:30:35] Speaker C: We were doors apart from each. [00:30:42] Speaker A: Got. You get these amazing shots that are on film. [00:30:47] Speaker B: Beautiful. [00:30:48] Speaker A: What a way to start the movie. It's like we're in fucking New York for real. [00:30:52] Speaker B: You know what I mean? [00:30:53] Speaker A: This isn't Jason takes Manhattan. We're doing. I love how it takes, like, okay. [00:31:02] Speaker B: Do you know anything about that shot? Do you know about that shot? [00:31:06] Speaker A: No, it's from Superman three. Is it from. [00:31:13] Speaker C: Yeah, they didn't actually. Joe Dante was like, why are we going to pay for this to happen? We're just going to take Superman three shot. [00:31:20] Speaker A: That is a Roger Cormann Ali right there. That's how he made his first film. That's how Joe Dante made his first film. He was first film take editor with someone else. I can't remember the other person's name either. But they were like, we got to get into directing. So they devised a way to direct film where they took a bunch of unused footage, like a bunch of footage that existed and then shot ultra low. [00:31:48] Speaker B: Budget stuff, but then all this supplemental. [00:31:52] Speaker A: Stuff that was already shot, and that's how he made his film. [00:31:57] Speaker C: Yeah, the opening shot of your film. [00:31:59] Speaker B: Is not from your film. [00:32:02] Speaker A: That's such a Cormann thing. It's such. All the students of Cormann, they went. [00:32:11] Speaker C: On, yeah, they did great. [00:32:14] Speaker A: Real quick, I did want to mention Joe Dante has two great mentors, people who give him breaks in his life. Roger Corman is one of them, and. [00:32:24] Speaker B: Then Steven Spurge the other. [00:32:27] Speaker A: And they work together on Twilight Zone, a movie. [00:32:33] Speaker B: And Dante experiences a very positive experience because this horrific thing happens on the set. [00:32:44] Speaker A: Another director, because it's an anthology piece. So John Landis has this horrific thing happen, but the studio still wants to. [00:32:51] Speaker B: Release it and money off of it. [00:32:53] Speaker A: So he kind of gets left alone. So his first experience with Hollywood is like, oh, people are really nice. He's got Steven Spielberg to. Questions to people are fantastic. This movie making business is really fun. [00:33:08] Speaker B: Look how nice it is. [00:33:11] Speaker A: But Spielberg was going to direct a. [00:33:15] Speaker B: Halloween segment about kids on Halloween night, but because of what happened on segment. [00:33:27] Speaker A: These two kids die tragically during the filming of it, he was like, okay. [00:33:32] Speaker B: I'm not going to do kids at all. I'm going to do old people. And it's like, because the whole thing. [00:33:39] Speaker A: Would have to be shot at night. [00:33:40] Speaker B: And it's like. [00:33:42] Speaker A: And we got robbed of like, a. [00:33:45] Speaker B: Really, first of all, tragedy. [00:33:48] Speaker A: And those people got the lies and the fallout of something tragic like that. But also, man, to have an original story, because all the Twilight Zone movies, all the Twilight Zone segments are remake of original episodes. So it's like, this would have been an original piece directed by Steven Spielberg on Halloween night. [00:34:14] Speaker B: Like, oh, man. Could have been epic. [00:34:21] Speaker A: But Rick Baker comes onto the. And he didn't want to at first. Do you know? [00:34:29] Speaker B: No, no, I don't know. Forget, I don't have the name down. [00:34:35] Speaker A: I'm so sorry. But the original person who did the effects and designs for the original. [00:34:43] Speaker C: Boating. [00:34:45] Speaker A: No, it wasn't. No, it was Chris something. I believe he was developing his directing. [00:34:55] Speaker B: Career, so he wasn't available. Right. [00:34:57] Speaker A: And then Dante wanted, you know, there's ties there. And Rick Baker's like, I don't want to work off of someone else's designs, but if you let me just do. [00:35:09] Speaker B: My own thing, then I'm in. [00:35:12] Speaker A: And because of the position Dante found himself in, right. [00:35:15] Speaker B: Of, like, I don't give a fuck. [00:35:17] Speaker A: I guess I'll do. Let's like, go all like. He got the money to give Rick Baker to really just go crazy with his. We got. [00:35:30] Speaker C: Gizmo. [00:35:31] Speaker A: We got the brain gremlin. [00:35:33] Speaker C: Brainy gremlin. [00:35:35] Speaker B: Mohawk. Spike, but not Spike. That's right. [00:35:39] Speaker C: It's like Spike Mohawk. [00:35:43] Speaker A: Then we have more down here. [00:35:46] Speaker B: There's Daffy. [00:35:49] Speaker C: Daffy. I don't know the name. [00:35:53] Speaker A: Daffy is the one that gets mistaken for gizmo. [00:35:56] Speaker B: That Phoebe Cates. Yeah. [00:35:58] Speaker C: Take the goofy eyed one back. [00:36:00] Speaker B: The goofy eyed one. [00:36:01] Speaker A: And then there's. [00:36:02] Speaker B: Oh, jeez, I had them all listed, but I didn't. [00:36:08] Speaker A: Mickey, do some filler for me while. [00:36:10] Speaker C: I. Yeah, we got the bat gremlin. [00:36:12] Speaker A: We got the bat Gremlin. [00:36:15] Speaker C: We got the vegetable face Gremlin. [00:36:18] Speaker B: Yeah, vegetable gremlin. [00:36:19] Speaker C: Gremlin. I'm going to start doing it. [00:36:22] Speaker A: Scared the shit out of me. It's so gross, too. [00:36:26] Speaker B: I'm going to start doing this like Bubba Gump. We got Batman Gremlin. We got the flash gremlin. Gremlin. Flash Gremlin. The gargoyle. [00:36:41] Speaker C: Okay, I got Gremlin. [00:36:45] Speaker A: So Daffy, also known as the marathon dentist Gremlin. He's the one who's going to do the marathon scene with marathon man. Scene with Billy. [00:36:55] Speaker C: I love that. [00:36:57] Speaker B: We got George, which is the grouchy, moody, cold. [00:37:01] Speaker A: He kind of resembles Edward G. Robinson. Then we got Lenny, who pops up. No, he doesn't pop. He's the chef. [00:37:15] Speaker B: Gremlin or Gremlin. [00:37:17] Speaker C: There's the one that microwave. [00:37:21] Speaker A: They're all there. So Daffy and Lenny get kind of confused because they're both kind of goofy looking. But Daffy is like. [00:37:33] Speaker B: And Lenny's more like. [00:37:36] Speaker A: He's got the buck teeth. Daffy is buck teeth. [00:37:39] Speaker B: Right? That's Molly's favorite. Yeah. [00:37:43] Speaker A: And then there's phantom Gremlin. I love. That's the phantom Gremlin. The gremlin looks at the ass. Do not face throws it on the face. [00:37:53] Speaker B: And then there's a secretary Gremlin. Love it. [00:38:02] Speaker A: Disgusting. I love it when clamp comes out and it's just like ABC E. Like, oh, my gosh. And then the paper shredding scene. Mary, the blender thing. [00:38:18] Speaker B: Oh, God. [00:38:19] Speaker A: So disgusting. [00:38:21] Speaker C: Don't forget our Wall street bros. We. [00:38:23] Speaker B: Have Wall street bros in there. Yes. [00:38:29] Speaker A: We got. [00:38:31] Speaker B: Bye bye. [00:38:32] Speaker A: Sell, sell, sell, sell. [00:38:33] Speaker B: Sell? [00:38:33] Speaker A: Yeah, with brain. Did I mention Mohawk? [00:38:37] Speaker B: You did mention Mohawk. Yeah, Mohawk. [00:38:41] Speaker A: Vegetable brain. [00:38:45] Speaker B: Electric gremlin. Yes. [00:38:48] Speaker A: Electric gremlin. Bat Gremlin. Greta, the female gremlin. [00:38:52] Speaker C: Okay, that's wonderful. [00:38:56] Speaker A: Mickey texted me today. He sent me the key and Peele. [00:39:03] Speaker B: Sketch, which I was like, yes, I watched this already. [00:39:09] Speaker A: You got to watch that. It's fantastic. [00:39:11] Speaker B: I love it. [00:39:12] Speaker A: I love the 1980s studio guy who does sequels. Fantastic. [00:39:18] Speaker C: While we're on talking about the different. [00:39:20] Speaker B: Kind of gremlins when they're in the. [00:39:22] Speaker C: Wall street scene, what Brain says, I. [00:39:24] Speaker B: Wrote it down because you got to think. [00:39:27] Speaker C: So the whole movie is like, it's disaster all over the clamp center. [00:39:34] Speaker B: Anarchy. Right. [00:39:35] Speaker C: But they're also, like, collapsing the entire financial market because those groomers are going. And Brain says, and I wrote it down. [00:39:45] Speaker B: Brain says, yes. [00:39:46] Speaker C: I'd say it's a full scale panic. Are you having a run on the banks there yet? [00:39:51] Speaker B: Well, it's rather brutal here. [00:39:52] Speaker C: We're advising our clients to put everything. [00:39:54] Speaker B: They'Ve got into canned food and shotguns. [00:39:57] Speaker C: I'm like, that line made me laugh out loud. And I was like, molly was like, molly thought was funny, but I was just like. [00:40:04] Speaker B: For some reason, I was beside myself laughing. [00:40:08] Speaker A: It just the pace of it. Texas and RG. [00:40:14] Speaker C: I was just like, I love it. Canned food and shotguns. Sorry, I just. [00:40:20] Speaker B: Sorry. [00:40:20] Speaker C: I had to sidetrack us there a little bit to get in that quote I love. [00:40:23] Speaker A: No. [00:40:26] Speaker B: It'S like one of these things. [00:40:27] Speaker C: I'm going to throw at a dinner party sometime and be like, oh. When someone, one of my really fancy friends are talking about the stock market, say, oh, yeah. I advise to put everything into canned food and shotguns. [00:40:39] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:40:42] Speaker B: Was it bacon and coffee? Whatever Steven's dad invests all the money into in the. Or potatoes. [00:40:57] Speaker A: Bacon is definitely one of them. [00:40:59] Speaker B: I can't remember what the other episode. Wild. Hasn't seen the jerk say, by the belt. [00:41:04] Speaker C: All the kids get a chance to invest in something and they all say. [00:41:06] Speaker B: Can we do potatoes? [00:41:09] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:41:10] Speaker C: Dump. [00:41:14] Speaker A: So speaking of the breaking, this movie breaks the fourth wall. [00:41:21] Speaker B: Fourth wall and the fifth wall. [00:41:25] Speaker A: I think when the projection bruth breaks down, are you aware of or experience the home video version of that? [00:41:35] Speaker B: The John Wayne? Yes. [00:41:42] Speaker A: So if you rented this movie on vhs in the 90s instead of you're at the theater, it's like static from television, and then it cuts to like. [00:41:53] Speaker B: A John Wayne film. And I just love the way the Gremlins talk. Like, that was. [00:42:04] Speaker A: That was a little. Beat us a Bit Hud. But John Wayne. Goddamn, this is funny. [00:42:13] Speaker C: And they, like, dubbed John Wayne's voice. [00:42:15] Speaker B: To be like, I don't like having these little creatures around. [00:42:22] Speaker A: Yeah, it's fucking wonderful. And then someone made a fan film where it's like early days video on demand, and he works the Gremlins into. [00:42:33] Speaker B: Batman returns, Indiana Jones. [00:42:38] Speaker A: Like all these classic films. Like, someone's flipping. Like, the Gremlins are flipping through video. [00:42:43] Speaker B: On demand to all these films. [00:42:45] Speaker A: They just work like the Batman dealing with, you know, the segment where the penguin puts in the thing in his car and his car gets all fucked up. [00:42:53] Speaker B: Yeah. Like, the Gremlins are fucking with his car. You know what I mean? [00:42:57] Speaker A: It's fucking. [00:43:01] Speaker B: Like. [00:43:01] Speaker A: It looks amazing from perspective of someone doing this on their own, but it lacks the charm of, like, a physical gremlin. But it's really fun to see Indiana Jones and the segment where he goes down into the snakes. [00:43:20] Speaker B: The snakes. [00:43:21] Speaker A: What's the first one? Raiders of the lost. [00:43:24] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:43:27] Speaker A: Instead of snakes, it's just the Gremlins partying like it's New Year's Eve. [00:43:31] Speaker B: Kudo. [00:43:32] Speaker A: Kudos to you, whoever you are, that made that short film. It's like seven minutes long. You think like, oh, seven minutes is fucking forever. But it's very funny. It's very funny. [00:43:43] Speaker C: I love all things Gremlins at this. [00:43:45] Speaker A: I love that you see every penny on the screen. [00:43:49] Speaker B: Yes. [00:43:50] Speaker A: I'm going to use every single. I think they tripled the budget from the original. [00:43:56] Speaker B: And every penny is on screen boy. It's just non stop. Non stop. [00:44:04] Speaker A: And so at the beginning of the. [00:44:05] Speaker B: Film, Billy tries to get a cab, right, with Kate, and. [00:44:13] Speaker A: He'S like, I'm going here. And then the cab driver's like, fuck this. And he drives off. If you lived in New York at a certain time period before Lyft and Uber, you'll have this experience of the. [00:44:24] Speaker B: Cab driver asking you where you're going. And this is before you're in the car, right? [00:44:30] Speaker A: They would do this before you're in the car. Where are you going? You tell them and they go and. [00:44:35] Speaker B: They off, which is illegal. [00:44:38] Speaker A: Can't be like, I'm going to Vegas. [00:44:40] Speaker B: You know what mean? Like, that's, uh. [00:44:45] Speaker A: So that's like, you always get in. [00:44:46] Speaker B: The cab first and then tell them where you're going. But this is back when they had Russians driving cabs. These crazy Russians who could steal a sketch for bombs. [00:45:02] Speaker A: Dick Miller from the movie, for those. [00:45:03] Speaker C: Who haven't seen it, okay? Not me being anything. [00:45:10] Speaker A: God bless dick. Miller. I love the segment. I love that whole segment where it's like people are kind of, like, ignoring what's going on. The bat, gremlins attacking him, but everyone just keeps walking. [00:45:27] Speaker B: You know what I mean? New York. [00:45:28] Speaker C: That's New York. [00:45:30] Speaker A: I would say post 911. [00:45:32] Speaker B: Post 911. [00:45:33] Speaker A: New York is different. I do feel like people are more helpful than they used to be. They still got places to go. [00:45:43] Speaker B: But. [00:45:47] Speaker A: I was walking, right? And street, there was this rat that got run over by a car, and it was, like, literally, like the size. [00:45:56] Speaker B: Of a fucking football. [00:45:58] Speaker A: It was just. And I. I'm walking, and I see this guy, and he's just like, what the fuck? [00:46:05] Speaker B: What the fuck is that? What? [00:46:07] Speaker A: Are you fucking kidding me? [00:46:10] Speaker B: That's disgust. [00:46:12] Speaker A: That's fucking disgust. Fucking New York. Oh, my God. This is awful. I can't believe. Do you see this? [00:46:20] Speaker B: Does anyone see this? [00:46:22] Speaker A: And everyone's just, like, kind of ignoring, like, okay. And I'm just laughing to myself because it's like, yeah, that is ludicrous. [00:46:29] Speaker B: The sun, it's, like, completely flat, like. [00:46:34] Speaker A: A Looney Tunes cartoon. You're right. He was saying what we were all thinking. [00:46:45] Speaker B: Anyways. [00:46:45] Speaker C: Shout out to Sheila Futterman as well. She's great in that. [00:46:50] Speaker A: God, yes. [00:46:52] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:46:53] Speaker A: Yes. I always assume they died, both of them. [00:46:57] Speaker C: Okay. [00:46:58] Speaker A: In the first. Like, I don't. I don't know if they retroactively brought them back to life or one of Dick Mills. I don't know. [00:47:07] Speaker B: But I was happy to see them. [00:47:09] Speaker A: And I was happy that he fucking. [00:47:12] Speaker B: Kicks ass in this. [00:47:17] Speaker C: They're both just doing. Just cracking me up the whole time. Just a joy to watch her with her camera being the ultimate New York City tourist. First time out of the small know. I feel like there was a part of Sheila Fudderman in me when I was a kid, the first time I. [00:47:35] Speaker B: Went to York City. Yeah. And Grandpa Fred. Grandpa Fred's great. [00:47:43] Speaker A: Robert Prosky. [00:47:44] Speaker B: God. [00:47:45] Speaker C: For listeners who haven't listened to past episodes, we do a pretty good Robert Prosky talk during Christine as. [00:47:55] Speaker B: We'Ve. He's a callback, but he is great. [00:47:59] Speaker A: I love his. [00:48:00] Speaker C: Kind of the heart of the film in a lot of. [00:48:06] Speaker A: Is he. And. [00:48:11] Speaker B: What'S his name, the guy? [00:48:13] Speaker A: He. [00:48:16] Speaker B: Wantanobe. Yeah. Character name or his name? No, that's his real name. [00:48:22] Speaker A: Getty Wantonaby, who made a career out of playing stereotypical racist portrayals of asian people. He always brings heart and humor to all of his roles. What would have happened if. [00:48:43] Speaker B: He would. [00:48:43] Speaker A: Have given an opportunity to really explore. [00:48:45] Speaker B: The talent that was there. You know what I mean? He's great in this. [00:48:50] Speaker C: He has great comedic timing. Just in an era where you're. [00:48:56] Speaker B: You. [00:48:57] Speaker C: Know, he would have been great in any kind of comedic lead role. He could have been a. Know all those teenage movies where you. [00:49:06] Speaker B: Had Anthony Michael hall or, you know, the Duck lips. [00:49:13] Speaker C: I can't remember the actor's name right now. But you could have transferred Getty Watanabe into any of those characters. And he would have been just as funny and nerdy and full of. I empathize with those guys incredibly, when I watch those films, those John Hughes. [00:49:32] Speaker B: Films, he would have been perfect. [00:49:33] Speaker C: He was in a John Hughes film. [00:49:35] Speaker B: But he would have been perfect as. [00:49:36] Speaker A: One of those 16. He's kind of like. You have some similarities. [00:49:44] Speaker C: John Crier. [00:49:44] Speaker B: John Crier's Duck lips. John Crier. [00:49:47] Speaker A: Yeah, Ducky. [00:49:49] Speaker B: Yeah, Ducky. [00:49:50] Speaker C: Yeah, Ducky. [00:49:51] Speaker B: Duck lips. Yeah, Ducky. [00:49:55] Speaker A: You're similar to him in that, like. [00:49:57] Speaker B: He'S from Utah, and he sounds like. [00:49:59] Speaker A: A guy from Utah. [00:50:00] Speaker B: He is not from generic asian country character. You know what mean? [00:50:08] Speaker A: He sounds like a guy from Utah. And you are a guy who sounds like the white. We always talk about this. [00:50:14] Speaker B: You're the whitest we know. [00:50:16] Speaker A: But you're like, you're from Honduras. You're adopted from Honduras. [00:50:21] Speaker C: A lot of people referred to me as the Getty Wantonabe, the hispanic Getty Wantonaby. [00:50:29] Speaker A: If Getty Watanabe and Harry Connick Jr. [00:50:32] Speaker B: Had a baby, it'd be you. [00:50:36] Speaker C: I'm liking this going through the cast a little bit. [00:50:38] Speaker B: Because this cast is a phenomenal mean. [00:50:41] Speaker C: From Tony Randall doing brain Gremlin. [00:50:44] Speaker B: To, we mentioned Robert Prosky. [00:50:47] Speaker C: Don't even get me started on my fave, Christopher Lee. But one guy I definitely want to. [00:50:53] Speaker B: Talk about is Robert Picardo. And now that I've kind of teed that up. [00:51:00] Speaker C: I'll wait for you to come back. [00:51:01] Speaker B: And we'll discuss Robert Picardo. My first exposure to Robert Picardo was Gremlins, too. But I don't know if you've ever. [00:51:12] Speaker C: Seen him inner space. But I looked him up on IMDb. [00:51:15] Speaker B: In preparation for this episode. [00:51:17] Speaker C: This guy works, man. He is fantastic in everything. He has got a million different faces, a million different characters. He is just a strong. I'll call him a character actor. [00:51:31] Speaker B: Because he's, like, unrecognizable in some of the film. [00:51:35] Speaker C: I was looking at his body of work, and I was like, oh, yeah. [00:51:37] Speaker B: He was that guy, too. Yeah. [00:51:41] Speaker A: I was just talking to Ali the. [00:51:43] Speaker B: Other day about my partner Ali, about interspace. [00:51:49] Speaker A: You have got great. [00:51:51] Speaker C: Interspace is fantastic. [00:51:52] Speaker B: Robert Picardo has got one of the. [00:51:54] Speaker C: Best scenes in that whole movie. He's like this cowboy kind of thing. [00:52:00] Speaker A: Well, he's like an eastern european guy who is called the cowboy. [00:52:03] Speaker B: And he's obsessed with american cowboy culture. [00:52:08] Speaker A: And Dennis Quaid is like a NASA. [00:52:12] Speaker B: Type pilot who gets flyboy shrunk. [00:52:17] Speaker A: Gets shrunk and injected into Martin short. [00:52:20] Speaker C: Martin short. [00:52:21] Speaker A: And hilarity. Oh, boy. [00:52:28] Speaker B: Check it out. Also, Joe Dante. [00:52:32] Speaker A: Yeah, that's why you get this. Also, you got some burbs crossover here. The burb is one of my fuck favorite movies. [00:52:43] Speaker B: And you got. [00:52:47] Speaker A: Let'S see here, Harry Gibson, who gets fired for smoking. [00:52:50] Speaker B: Richard, part of firesome. [00:52:52] Speaker A: Like a little cameo. There. [00:52:54] Speaker B: You have Rick Duckamun. [00:52:57] Speaker A: I am probably pronouncing his name wrong, but the security guard, that's like when Billy's trying to turn the water off. [00:53:06] Speaker B: He'S the security guard who comes and stops him. Yeah. [00:53:10] Speaker A: And he gets bitten on the nose. And I was like, oh, you should have been in this movie. [00:53:16] Speaker C: He is. [00:53:17] Speaker B: I. [00:53:18] Speaker A: More of him in this movie would have been a value added, for sure. I was sad to see that his have been. [00:53:25] Speaker B: I love Richard Picardo. [00:53:27] Speaker A: We talked about him in the legend episode. Go back and listen to our legend episode. [00:53:31] Speaker B: He's in that. [00:53:33] Speaker A: Richard Picardo is great. But I really would have loved Rick as Billy's foil in this because he's so animated and over the top and perfect for a film like this. [00:53:49] Speaker B: And if you haven't seen the burbs. [00:53:51] Speaker A: You need to see the burbs. We're going to do the burbs at. [00:53:54] Speaker C: We got to do that. [00:53:55] Speaker B: I love the burbs. [00:53:56] Speaker A: It's a crying shame. [00:53:58] Speaker B: It just shows you how insane the film industry is and how difficult it. [00:54:04] Speaker A: Is that somebody as hilarious as Joe Dante, someone who makes the kind of. [00:54:09] Speaker B: Films that he makes, hasn't continued to make know. [00:54:15] Speaker C: Just a little shout out to something on YouTube. [00:54:18] Speaker B: Something I came across while doing some. [00:54:20] Speaker C: Of this was like digging in on Gremlins, too. There's this interview with Joe Dante. [00:54:25] Speaker B: It's like later years. [00:54:28] Speaker C: Joe Dante talking with a teenager. [00:54:31] Speaker B: Science. [00:54:32] Speaker C: Like, I want to call him nerd, but that's not fair because he's just really into just. That's his passion. That makes him a nerd. [00:54:39] Speaker B: Nerd. Mickey, he's a fucking nerd. [00:54:42] Speaker A: You like science, you're fucking nerd. [00:54:45] Speaker B: But this kid is, like, so socially. [00:54:47] Speaker C: Awkward, and he's Joe Dante about inner. [00:54:52] Speaker B: Space, and it is hilarious because Joe. [00:54:55] Speaker C: Dante eventually has to take over the interview and tell him what good questions he should ask. It is so funny. And I find myself. [00:55:05] Speaker B: I got there. [00:55:06] Speaker C: And I was like, what is this? And I was not going to watch it. And then I ended up watching the whole thing. So I was like, this is the. [00:55:11] Speaker B: Most baffling train wreck of an interview. [00:55:13] Speaker C: That Joe Dante has to give about inner space and about the actual science with this really sciency kid that just has no social, like, completely socially awkward. It is hilarious. And he even says, just watch it. I can't give it justice. This is not an interspace episode, but interspace. [00:55:35] Speaker A: If we ever get to the return. [00:55:36] Speaker C: Slot of Sci-Fi. [00:55:40] Speaker B: That'S pretty scary sometimes we might be able in there. Let's talk about Zach Gallagher. Billy. Yeah, Zach Gallagher. Thoughts? He's good. [00:55:56] Speaker C: He seems like in my mind, looking back on him, he feels like a. [00:56:00] Speaker B: Very big part of my movie watching as a child. [00:56:05] Speaker C: And then just never, his career kind. [00:56:07] Speaker B: Of never rose to those big movies. [00:56:11] Speaker C: Or at least maybe in my mind, these movies were bigger than what they actually. [00:56:17] Speaker B: Were. [00:56:21] Speaker C: I think these big hits like Gremlins, too. And what's the one? [00:56:26] Speaker A: Wax worker. Gremlins. Gremlins. [00:56:28] Speaker B: Wax works. [00:56:30] Speaker A: He had some swings. He fits into that fright night, the tag fright night, where it's like these good looking, creamy skinned, curly, black haired. [00:56:46] Speaker B: Some guys who kind of like kind. [00:56:49] Speaker A: Of boringly written characters and they kind of lost. [00:56:56] Speaker B: Some, like, I don't like to talk negative usually, but the way Gizmo doesn't always feel like Gizmo is real, sometimes it feels like he's just. [00:57:15] Speaker A: Picking up an inanimate object. [00:57:17] Speaker B: And I think about the care and. [00:57:20] Speaker A: Sophistication in Ryan Gosling's performance in Lars. [00:57:25] Speaker B: And the real girl. Yeah. You know what mean? [00:57:29] Speaker A: Like he has, he's in love with. [00:57:31] Speaker B: This stall and the care that he. [00:57:33] Speaker A: Gives to that performance of. When I heard about it, I was. [00:57:38] Speaker B: Like, why is Ryan Gosling makes movies. [00:57:41] Speaker A: Sounds like a terrible comedy. And then you watch it and it's like, it's funny, but it's a very moving, dramatic film, really. And so I think there's a reason. [00:57:55] Speaker B: Why he didn't go on to do more things. [00:57:59] Speaker A: And I think it's because he's just doesn't like. [00:58:04] Speaker B: You know, there's not something. [00:58:10] Speaker A: Special there with Billy. [00:58:12] Speaker B: When I was a kid, Billy loomed large. [00:58:14] Speaker A: But as an adult, I find that performance is lacking. And the character is, know, I like fond. I have fondness for him, but, you know, what I'm saying? [00:58:29] Speaker C: Yeah, he's pretty generic. And is it the writing? [00:58:32] Speaker B: Is it the actor? [00:58:35] Speaker C: Yeah, I hear you. [00:58:37] Speaker A: I think it's a combination of things. [00:58:40] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:58:41] Speaker A: He's not bringing like, you. I think he was doing exactly what. [00:58:48] Speaker B: Was being asked of him. And sometimes you have to be than that. Yeah, I think, yeah, I get it. Especially when you're, especially when you're acting. [00:59:03] Speaker C: Against the people that you're acting against. [00:59:04] Speaker B: I mean, he definitely feels like almost. [00:59:08] Speaker C: When he enters a scene in Gremlins two, I'm not going to say gremlins one, but Gremlins two. When he enters a scene, he kind. [00:59:14] Speaker B: Of slows the scene down and it's. [00:59:17] Speaker C: Such a fast paced film. Whereas like Watanabi, Prosky, Lee, Phoebe Cates, they come on and it's like, oh, you like to watch them do their. [00:59:34] Speaker A: Billy. [00:59:35] Speaker B: I agree with you. So Billy is about to be tortured marathon man style. [00:59:42] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:59:43] Speaker B: By Daffy and Dick Miller is him, right. [00:59:49] Speaker A: At no point does he say thank. [00:59:54] Speaker C: Oh, you think he's spoiled. He's like entitled. [00:59:57] Speaker A: I think he's kind of a spoiled, entitled kid. [01:00:00] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:00:01] Speaker A: I will say that he doesn't treat. [01:00:02] Speaker B: That age, doesn't treat Phoebe cage well. No, he doesn't. [01:00:07] Speaker C: And to be that age and be getting the opportunities as an architect that. [01:00:10] Speaker B: He'S getting, it feels a little bit. [01:00:12] Speaker C: Like I'm not saying. [01:00:14] Speaker A: Right. [01:00:15] Speaker B: Yeah. Privilege. Yeah. [01:00:20] Speaker C: This beautiful fiance, you got this beautiful woman. What are you doing? Going to dinner with your boss? [01:00:27] Speaker A: I got to say, they do a very good job. [01:00:32] Speaker B: Kate's look plain in this because she is stunning. Oh, God, Marla Bloodstone. I know. [01:00:41] Speaker A: I love her arc. She's got a great arc. I like how it's, oh, maybe she and clamp are going to get. [01:00:51] Speaker B: Something going on there. She deserves it. [01:00:55] Speaker C: That's the thing, too. It's like they kind of make her. [01:00:59] Speaker B: You introduce her and you think that. [01:01:02] Speaker C: Well, especially having seen the first one, you love Kate Behringer. [01:01:07] Speaker B: If you be Kate's character and then. [01:01:09] Speaker C: Havelin Morris comes in and you're like, well, she's bad. [01:01:13] Speaker B: But throughout the just, she becomes as. [01:01:17] Speaker C: Endearing as Kate Behringer. [01:01:22] Speaker A: I feel like she has more of. [01:01:23] Speaker B: An arc than Kate. [01:01:25] Speaker C: She does. [01:01:25] Speaker B: Oh, by far. By far. Yeah. You're rooting for both, which is an. [01:01:31] Speaker C: Interesting thing to do when you set. [01:01:33] Speaker B: Up the original conflict there of being. [01:01:38] Speaker C: Like, well, she's after Billy and we all love Kate. [01:01:45] Speaker A: What do you call him? A career climber? [01:01:47] Speaker B: What is the word they use? [01:01:50] Speaker A: But it's like, man, she's a fucking. [01:01:52] Speaker B: In 1989. Yeah, for clamp. She's a cog in the machine, like, Billy. [01:02:07] Speaker A: A little unethical what she's doing. Yeah, sure. [01:02:11] Speaker B: Have you ever worked for any of those big corporate companies? Dude, I work for the biggest myself. Yeah. [01:02:22] Speaker C: Called the return slide. You heard video stores, like a corporation. [01:02:26] Speaker A: We run it like a. Like, we're like less successful than that video store Billy lives above. You know what I mean? [01:02:37] Speaker B: Like those with a fucking lab or. [01:02:41] Speaker A: Golden retrievers eating the trash out. Worked for. I don't think I've ever worked for as large of a corporate. I've worked for companies that have been hired. [01:02:55] Speaker B: Large corporation. Okay. I'll say both ABC and CBS and. [01:03:06] Speaker A: The fucking United States military and the. [01:03:10] Speaker C: US military, but I work for CBS and ABC both at different parts of my life. [01:03:16] Speaker B: And I'm telling you that there are a lot of Daniel clamps that will show up. [01:03:23] Speaker C: Everybody gets so juiced because the big guy's there. [01:03:27] Speaker B: And it is a culture all its own. It's a total culture. [01:03:34] Speaker C: It's like you become fans of the ceos. [01:03:37] Speaker B: It's like you can't wait when they. [01:03:39] Speaker C: Show up because that's your chance. Maybe they'll give you a bigger chance if you show some brilliant idea that you did. [01:03:46] Speaker B: Yeah, definitely spot on in this movie. Did you pitch a brilliant idea? Never. To your CEO. Never. That's why you're here. [01:03:58] Speaker C: That's why I'm here at the video store. I did. It was blockbuster. I said, whatever you do, don't stream. Whatever you do, don't stream. Can we. [01:04:18] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:04:19] Speaker C: Just going to touch on Christopher Lee. He's another. Just like. Yes, we've done Christopher Lee on this show before. Just great to see him in there. [01:04:31] Speaker B: Great to see him show up. [01:04:33] Speaker C: Not a big character, but doing well with what he does. He just brings gravitas to everything. [01:04:39] Speaker B: Oh, of course. Yeah, he's wonderful. [01:04:43] Speaker A: Love him in that. [01:04:43] Speaker C: The great Christopher Lee. [01:04:45] Speaker B: The horror. The horror. The horror. Gizmo. Now talk about Gizmo for a second. [01:04:54] Speaker A: Do you know who voices Gizmo? [01:04:57] Speaker B: Howie Mandel, man. [01:04:59] Speaker A: Howie Mandel. [01:05:01] Speaker C: Howie Mandela. [01:05:02] Speaker A: No deal. [01:05:08] Speaker C: Yes, that Howie Mandel, the dealer. No deal. Howie Mandel. [01:05:11] Speaker A: For those of you who don't know, Howie Mandel was a stand up comedian in the. [01:05:17] Speaker B: Did silly voices and was famous for. [01:05:20] Speaker A: Putting a latex glove over his face. [01:05:24] Speaker B: Blowing it up with his nose to. [01:05:26] Speaker A: Make, like, chicken type of character, and famously blew, like a vessel in his nose and it exploded and there was blood everywhere when he was performing one time. Interesting career that guy's had. [01:05:41] Speaker B: Howie Mandel. Yeah. [01:05:43] Speaker A: I always forget that he voices gizmo. [01:05:46] Speaker C: I loved. [01:05:48] Speaker B: You remember Bobby's world? [01:05:53] Speaker C: Also the voice of Bobby in Bobby's role. Yeah. [01:05:57] Speaker A: But, yes. [01:05:58] Speaker B: The fact they had Howie Mandel doing Gizmo, it's like. It's hilarious. [01:06:03] Speaker A: I love Gizmo so much. I think my cat, Halumi, looks a lot like Gizmo. [01:06:09] Speaker B: She looks. [01:06:11] Speaker A: I call her my little gizmo. I call her my little grogu. [01:06:13] Speaker B: She kind of looks like it's. Both Grogu and Gizmo utilize this sort. [01:06:22] Speaker A: Of, like, two toned looking face thing. [01:06:26] Speaker B: With big eyes and the ears. [01:06:28] Speaker A: It's like, that's one of my cats. [01:06:30] Speaker B: Looks like that. [01:06:31] Speaker A: And I just fucking love her so much. So at night, I go and I grab floss, and she hears me pull the floss out of the spool and. [01:06:41] Speaker B: She comes running to the bathroom. She's like, you got string, right? [01:06:45] Speaker A: So I'm the most popular guy in my apartment when I floss at night. [01:06:49] Speaker B: And I sit on the couch and I floss. [01:06:55] Speaker A: I know it's disgusting. I would never do that if I had guessed. Then. What I'll do is I'll kind of play with her with my floss a little bit and I get her to. When I throw it a certain way. [01:07:08] Speaker B: And her eyes just to fully dilate, right? [01:07:12] Speaker A: And her eyes so big and fully dilated that if she could somehow speak English and she was just like, listen. [01:07:21] Speaker B: I should kill so and so, I. [01:07:25] Speaker A: Would just be like, yes, whatever you want, I'll do it. [01:07:30] Speaker B: I love you so much. [01:07:32] Speaker A: I love you so much. You're so cute right now. I'll do whatever you want. [01:07:42] Speaker B: I get it. Yeah. Mickey, do you want I'm a little. [01:07:50] Speaker A: Something for us to eat while we're talking tonight. Would you like any tuna, noodles, cheese product, chowder, fries? [01:07:59] Speaker B: Sure. [01:08:00] Speaker C: Yeah, I tried. [01:08:06] Speaker B: I got march, microwave. [01:08:08] Speaker A: March. Kathleen Freeman. That segment's wonderful. I also love how they incorporate Rambo into this film. [01:08:22] Speaker B: I love that. A novel that was written about a. [01:08:28] Speaker A: Vietnam vet who gets his fucking brains. [01:08:31] Speaker B: Blown out at the end, like, captured. [01:08:34] Speaker A: The imagination of children in the late. [01:08:36] Speaker C: Eighty s and early ninety s. Oh, loved him. A hero. And Gizmo, that's when I watched this film. And I'm like, oh, you know who I empathize with in this film? It's Gizmo. Because Gizmo is watching the movies and he's doing his own training montage and he's putting on the Bandana and he's going out to fight the good fight. [01:08:58] Speaker B: I absolutely love it. [01:09:02] Speaker A: The guy who joined the military after September 11, I'm not surprised. [01:09:09] Speaker B: Words. Now I always forget, like, when I start watching this, because my experience grim was one first. I always forget. I'm like, why is the whole opening segment of, like, I Gizmo back in the shop? And then I go back and I'm. [01:09:34] Speaker A: Like, oh, the guy comes at the. [01:09:36] Speaker C: Very end, the guy from the shop. [01:09:39] Speaker A: Comes, and he's like, shaking his finger. Negligent. You weren't responsible. Like, you're not ready for this, but maybe someday you will be. And then I'm like, oh, yes. [01:09:51] Speaker B: Why Gizmo? [01:09:54] Speaker A: And I feel a little sorry for Gizmo because he's living in a cage. [01:09:58] Speaker B: Still, but I guess it's for the good. [01:10:01] Speaker A: Or else he might get wet. [01:10:03] Speaker B: He might eat when he's not supposed to eat. [01:10:09] Speaker C: Well, it almost is like the end. [01:10:12] Speaker B: Of the first movie was like, you. [01:10:14] Speaker C: Don'T respect the ancestral old ways. You're not worthy of this. And then it opens up in the second one. And in true Joe Dante fashion, they're. [01:10:25] Speaker B: Like old guys dying old ways out. [01:10:27] Speaker C: Clamp sinner is taking over the world, and they'll get whatever they want. [01:10:36] Speaker B: It's smart. [01:10:38] Speaker C: It's funny how they take it that direction. [01:10:41] Speaker B: And God, did you know that, speaking. [01:10:45] Speaker C: Of Gizmo in the cage, did you know that the original ending of the. [01:10:49] Speaker B: Film, what it was supposed to be? No, what was it? Billy's dad shows know the inventor? [01:10:57] Speaker A: Oh, I would have loved that. [01:10:59] Speaker C: And he's created a special wetsuit just. [01:11:02] Speaker B: For Gizmo to make sure. [01:11:06] Speaker C: Isn't that funny? [01:11:07] Speaker A: Little James Bond Gizmo? [01:11:09] Speaker C: Yeah. Be so great. But for brevity and for, like, they were already at a. I thought the runtime was great on this film, but it just introduces a whole new idea that's not even worth it. [01:11:25] Speaker A: There's a lot of deleted scenes that. [01:11:28] Speaker B: Are fun that. [01:11:32] Speaker A: I love. The scene with clamp, he's like, outside. [01:11:36] Speaker B: And it's like they're getting ready to. [01:11:38] Speaker A: Go in, and there's, like, one of the team guys is naked, and he's, like, zipping up his uniform. He's like, listen, there are rules. You feed them after you give them. [01:11:51] Speaker B: A bath, and. [01:11:55] Speaker A: You get them wet after. He gets, like, two of the rules wrong and he can't remember the other one. He's like, let's review. It's hilarious. But he's so fucking likable. [01:12:11] Speaker B: Exactly. [01:12:11] Speaker A: That you just, like, every it's just like, you can't help but just be charmed by him. [01:12:18] Speaker B: I love him. So I got to ask you. [01:12:22] Speaker A: Oh, real quick, though, before I ask. [01:12:24] Speaker C: You this big question. [01:12:25] Speaker B: In the lab, one of the cows, there's a cow that walks by back. [01:12:31] Speaker A: In the background, and I think it. [01:12:36] Speaker B: Has the Ghostbusters thing that Harold Ramis. [01:12:43] Speaker A: Puts on Rick Moranis to read his brain in. Ghostbusters. [01:12:47] Speaker B: Right. I think a cow is wearing. [01:12:49] Speaker C: Don't. [01:12:51] Speaker A: I don't know if it's like a similar looking thing, but it looks. [01:12:56] Speaker B: Know that metal pasta strainer looking thing. [01:13:01] Speaker A: With, like, glowing gadgets on it? [01:13:03] Speaker B: I think it's the same one. [01:13:05] Speaker A: I have to take screenshots and figure it out. And this kind of goes in with what you were talking about, like Ghostbusters for you. [01:13:16] Speaker C: Total sense, too, because there's so many pop culture references throughout this film that are specific to. Obviously, there's some that are on the nose. You just get it right immediately. [01:13:28] Speaker B: But there's some that are like, we're. [01:13:30] Speaker C: Kind of like, tucking this away. So it's like if you recognize it, it's an Easter egg. [01:13:34] Speaker B: I could see that. That makes total sense for this film. [01:13:37] Speaker A: Both shot in New York, maybe within the same, like, ghostbusters and gremlins exist in the same universe. [01:13:47] Speaker B: I would buy that. I would buy. [01:13:53] Speaker A: Two big questions. [01:13:54] Speaker B: No. [01:13:54] Speaker C: Han seeing Gizmo in his little Ghostbusters outfit with an ecto. [01:14:00] Speaker A: The little name tape. [01:14:01] Speaker C: The little name tape. [01:14:03] Speaker B: Gizmo, gizmo. How about the pilly? [01:14:09] Speaker A: Oh, God, that'd be wonderful. [01:14:11] Speaker C: Oh, I love it. [01:14:12] Speaker B: Yeah. There's two big questions. Oh, big ones. Big ones. Okay, so. [01:14:24] Speaker A: Is this where 420 started? [01:14:33] Speaker B: Right. [01:14:33] Speaker A: Because it's like the Gremlins are going to, like. They're tricking them into 420. And that's the time you smoke weed. [01:14:38] Speaker B: Because the Gremlins die. So you're saying no? I'm saying no. [01:14:45] Speaker A: I think it's a little anti semitic of you to say that, but whatever. [01:14:49] Speaker B: Let's move on. [01:14:52] Speaker A: I just like to say that sometimes whenever I want. [01:15:02] Speaker B: But Richard Ricardo's character sure does. He. Does he fuck Greta at the end of this movie? He just goes for it. [01:15:12] Speaker C: He goes for it. [01:15:13] Speaker B: You know he does, dude. [01:15:17] Speaker C: The way he gets down with his. [01:15:19] Speaker A: Little smile, he's like, why am I resisting? [01:15:23] Speaker C: Yeah, but you think he's physically going to have. She's not a. [01:15:29] Speaker B: Yes. [01:15:32] Speaker C: I think that it's clear to me that he's going full bone zone with Greta in the wedding dress. [01:15:41] Speaker A: Who can resist the wedding dress. [01:15:43] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:15:44] Speaker C: And not just that, but he comes off of it like, you realize who this guy is. Right before he is approached by Greta. [01:15:52] Speaker B: On the phone with Daniel Clamp, he. [01:15:55] Speaker C: Is saying to him that he's going to give him time off for the first time in a long time after the building is in. [01:16:04] Speaker B: Half a day. [01:16:05] Speaker C: This guy never sees the light of day. He's got no romance going on in his life. If this is what he gets in that bathroom, this is what he gets. [01:16:12] Speaker B: You know what? [01:16:15] Speaker A: Don't think. [01:16:16] Speaker C: I don't actually think it's a bad choice for him. [01:16:18] Speaker B: I applaud it. Greta's kind of hot, man. [01:16:31] Speaker A: I do remember feeling uncomfortable. [01:16:35] Speaker C: She was doing limp plumper before she was doing that. Lip plumper before everybody else was. [01:16:42] Speaker A: She's got the Elvira cleavage line thing. [01:16:53] Speaker B: Else burning desires to talk about. I mean, I think. [01:16:58] Speaker C: I think I'd be remiss if I didn't mention just the fact that they break into a whole. What was the famous film director Bixby like, dance number, music number at the end? That's funny. That works on me. Works on me better at this age than it did when I was young. When I was younger, I didn't really get what that was, but now I'm. [01:17:24] Speaker B: Like, oh, of course, yes. [01:17:25] Speaker C: They're going to break into a big dance number. The Leonard Malton little section where he's gremlin. That's hilarious. One of the most iconic things I remember. And that really grabbed me when they break into New York, New York. I think that might have been the first time I ever heard the song. [01:17:50] Speaker B: New York, New York. [01:17:51] Speaker A: Oh, really? That's amazing. [01:17:54] Speaker C: It was just, like, so good as a kid to hear that and then find out as I go through life, like, how that song means so much to that city. And just, I was like, man, this. [01:18:04] Speaker B: Movie, if you're the right person, it works on so many levels. [01:18:10] Speaker C: And like I said, I was just having an absolute blast of nostalgia and. [01:18:16] Speaker B: Pure, actual, pure innocent joy watching it. There is a lot of references to films, but you never hear is New York, New York by Martin Susie, which. [01:18:31] Speaker A: I think encapsulates the excess of the. [01:18:34] Speaker B: Going overboard and ruining your career. Watch that film. Yeah, I feel like there's some of that stuff going on in that segment. Okay. [01:18:49] Speaker A: You know what I mean? [01:18:50] Speaker B: Yeah. I love how much aggressions, how they seem to really. [01:19:04] Speaker A: They just love a good gag. They'll build these things just for the joke, and the joke is for them just to laugh. Oh, my God. [01:19:23] Speaker C: To a nine year old boy watching this for the first time. Yes, the Gremlins are bad, but the Gremlins are awesome, right? [01:19:32] Speaker A: They're helpful. [01:19:35] Speaker B: To reiterate. [01:19:36] Speaker C: You can imagine the first time I watched Gremlins one, I was like, what? Because they just take it and they elevate it so much in this film. [01:19:45] Speaker B: And for me, they take some of the shtick and push it so far that it makes it better. [01:19:53] Speaker C: I love that they go so big with it because they're aware of it. But like I said, I don't want to say that this is a film for everybody, but, man, it was hitting so good. [01:20:05] Speaker B: It was hitting so good. Speaking of a film not for everybody going to recommend this to, when they walk in the store, he's thinking he's got his fist in his nose and mouth. [01:20:29] Speaker C: Really going in there, getting up in that nostril. So if you come in and you. [01:20:40] Speaker B: Say, I really love the Gremlins, I might not recommend this to you. But if you come in and you say you like something that's quirky. [01:20:55] Speaker C: If you like comedy, if you're young, or if you even have, like, a youthful. [01:20:59] Speaker B: Spirit, I'd recommend this to you. [01:21:05] Speaker C: There's this thing. It's similar to, like, return to Oz when we watch return to Oz, so, listeners, we have a past episode where we kind of visited some child frights and stuff like that, and one of them was return to Oz. [01:21:18] Speaker B: It's a sequel that isn't made better by just truly loving the first one. [01:21:28] Speaker C: It's a sequel that doesn't necessarily even. [01:21:31] Speaker B: Need the first one. Particularly. [01:21:35] Speaker C: There are some jokes that land a lot better. It is very much a parody of the first one. So you do get stuff from having seen the first one, but it's just a wholly different thing. [01:21:44] Speaker B: So I think that the guy that. [01:21:46] Speaker C: Comes in that wants something funny, different and quirky, this is the movie I'm going with, Gremlins two, regardless if you've seen the first one, because the first thing out of somebody's mouth is like, why am I watching a sequel without having seen the first one? And my thing is like, you don't need it. [01:21:58] Speaker B: You don't really need it. [01:22:01] Speaker C: Some people will say you do need it, because all the meta jokes. But I'm telling you, I don't know that you do. [01:22:06] Speaker B: I don't know that you do. [01:22:07] Speaker C: It makes it a little better, but not substantially. It doesn't have to survive by knowing. [01:22:13] Speaker B: The whole everything from the first. [01:22:15] Speaker C: That's why it's almost like the best unsequel, like the best. Joe Dante's doing something here where the. [01:22:25] Speaker B: Traditional path is build upon the story that you had and deepen your connection. [01:22:31] Speaker C: With the characters that you established. [01:22:34] Speaker B: This doesn't do that. [01:22:35] Speaker C: You don't find out anything new from Billy, really. You don't find anything new from Kate. You're introduced to new, interesting characters like Daniel Clamp, Marla Bloodstone. You don't necessarily have to have all the background into gizmo to really fall in love with them all over again or for the first time. So, yes, you want comedy, you want quirky, you want something different. Gremlins two, don't even worry about gremlins one. [01:22:57] Speaker B: But if you like Gremlins one, you. [01:23:01] Speaker C: May or may not like this. This might actually be offensive to you in some ways. [01:23:11] Speaker B: So there you go. [01:23:11] Speaker C: That was a long way around me. [01:23:13] Speaker B: Just know all that. Who you recommended to Michelangelo, I got. [01:23:18] Speaker A: To say, it's definitely like a departure from its predecessor. [01:23:24] Speaker B: Right. And that's kind of what we're doing with this whole segment of films. It's almost like, I think you'll find that every single film in this series, if you're not familiar with these films, to watch the sequel, first an experience and then go back. I think they'll all work that way. I think if you are in your. [01:23:55] Speaker A: Transitional horror period, there's that sweet age where it's like you're transitioning. [01:24:03] Speaker B: Handle a. [01:24:04] Speaker A: Full horror film right now. This is definitely one of them. It has the elements of, like, horror and comedy. [01:24:10] Speaker B: They mesh so well. So I agree with a lot of what you said, and I just like, really? For me, if you come to our video store and you don't like gremlins, don't know why you're coming here, you. [01:24:33] Speaker A: Know what I mean? It's so funny and scary and silly. [01:24:38] Speaker B: And absurd, and if you don't get the density, the levels, the layers of. [01:24:47] Speaker A: This film that I can understand if you're like, I get it. [01:24:52] Speaker B: It's not for me, totally fine, but people just don't get it. It's like, get the fuck out of my store. [01:25:00] Speaker A: Get the fuck out of my store. I don't know if that answered the. [01:25:06] Speaker B: Question, but it did. [01:25:09] Speaker C: You're basically recommending it to only people that belong in the store. If somebody doesn't want to watch this or doesn't like it, then you've now excluded, like, 90% of the movie watching audience. And this is why we're not as successful as the clamp center. [01:25:27] Speaker B: But I don't want to be as successful as the clamp center? No. [01:25:31] Speaker A: That guy's an asshole, but so likable. [01:25:33] Speaker C: Although he did end up with Marla Bloodstone, though. [01:25:37] Speaker A: That guy's got something going on. That's all the money. [01:25:39] Speaker C: Come on in. The great hair could have something to do with it. [01:25:43] Speaker B: Yeah. And the low body fat percentage charm guy. [01:25:48] Speaker A: There's a lot of stuff going on there. [01:25:50] Speaker B: There's a lot of stuff. God bless John Glover. He saved New York City. He saved. Really? [01:25:59] Speaker A: Like, I will say one of the. [01:26:01] Speaker B: Deleted scenes. [01:26:04] Speaker A: There'S like a construction worker, character actor. You've seen him in a million things. [01:26:08] Speaker B: He's like, where'd you get that backdrop? [01:26:10] Speaker A: He's like, I was from a Broadway show that didn't work out, that just closed by Stalin. [01:26:17] Speaker B: And the Broadway worker goes, and he. [01:26:21] Speaker A: Could dance like a construction worker going like, man, stop. [01:26:30] Speaker B: Dance. You know what I mean? [01:26:32] Speaker A: It's just like, joke a minute. [01:26:34] Speaker B: I love this. [01:26:36] Speaker A: I think it's a great movie to. [01:26:38] Speaker B: Watch around New Year's because the whole. [01:26:39] Speaker A: New York, New York segment just makes me, has that New Year's vibe. [01:26:45] Speaker C: Oh, they're blowing the little horn things. They got the hats on. [01:26:48] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:26:49] Speaker C: It's very New Year's Day or New Year's Eve. [01:26:52] Speaker A: Those little horn things have a specific name. [01:26:55] Speaker B: And the fact that you don't, that. [01:26:57] Speaker A: You'Re not as sophisticated as some of our other customers that come into here, maybe someone that might like. [01:27:05] Speaker B: I didn't want to insult our listeners. [01:27:07] Speaker C: By being pretentious, but yes, they're called tutors, and so. [01:27:17] Speaker B: They'Re called tutors because they too. [01:27:19] Speaker A: It's like. Are you talking about people who fart or, like, english people in realty from a certain time period? Or are you talking about beautiful homes? [01:27:29] Speaker C: Yeah, tutors. Yeah. [01:27:32] Speaker B: I'm going to buy right now, and I really want a tutor, but they're way more expensive. Yeah, you don't want to. The housing market is not the best right now. [01:27:47] Speaker C: Maybe we'll all join us. Get a house in the new clamp center that looks like whatever town Kate. [01:27:53] Speaker B: And Billy are from in Jersey. Yeah, Jersey. Who in Jersey? Mickey. Yeah. Happy New Year. Happy New Year, buddy. [01:28:10] Speaker C: Hey, this has been know for our listeners. Please, if you want to do something new this year, if you want to make a New Year's resolution, my recommendation is to follow us on Instagram. Check out our letterboxed. This is a little small. [01:28:26] Speaker B: Ask. [01:28:27] Speaker C: Guys, this is not a big deal. [01:28:28] Speaker A: It's simply a, like, button. [01:28:30] Speaker C: It's like, make it your New Year's resolution, check it off and be done for the mean. I'm not. [01:28:36] Speaker A: Buy some powerball tickets and send it to us. [01:28:40] Speaker C: That'd be great. That'd be great. [01:28:43] Speaker A: Thank you for listening, Mickey. Listeners can go fuck themselves, but Mickey, thank you for listening to the podcasting to you. Thank you for following us, Mickey. Where can they follow us? [01:28:59] Speaker B: Online? [01:29:00] Speaker C: On Instagram? At the return slot, underscore of horror pod or on Letterbox, which is at the return slot of horror pod or of course you can listen, like rate review us anywhere you get podcasts. And I hope everybody has a great new year and continue to listen to series. We're going to get some good sequels. [01:29:21] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:29:22] Speaker A: Thank you. [01:29:23] Speaker C: It's only going to get more sassy. [01:29:26] Speaker A: It's going to get so sassy. [01:29:29] Speaker C: Oh, man. There's going to be sass all over this place. [01:29:35] Speaker A: Maybe we'll have some special guests, maybe we won't. You'll find out only by listening to to us at the return slot of horror.

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